A person can walk into a place and get a feel for it... a feeling based perhaps upon how that space has been imprinted... perhaps by the signals sent out from the minds that have dwelt in it... or at least, to stretch definition, in the more tangible sense of pheromones having been released, in accordance with the thoughts of others, into the space.
People mention the sacred sites of the world. Thousands have passed through them, not only to draw a feeling... but also to reciprocate with feeling.
William Tiller discusses experiments in which devices have been conditioned by long term meditators. Associated water samples have risen or lowered in ph when simply exposed to, placed next to, the devices containing nothing but the focused intent of the meditators. Random number generator experiments (Princeton Experimental Anomalies Research) have shown results in a similar same vein.
There is the idea of water having a memory & having different aspects depending on how it is conditioned. (See the documentary entitled Water- 2008)
Dean Radin mentions a small experiment in which people received either water that had been blessed by Buddhist monks or regular water. (They were not told which). Blessed water demonstrated greater results. The state of mind of each individual prior to their (unknown) receiving the blessed water also played a very substantial role (placebo).
One may have a clear feeling after a thunderstorm or after taking a shower or getting a haircut. There is idea of clearing a space by burning sage.
When I feel especially scattered, a shower will often clear my mind. I can imagine what is happening over multiple levels. Obviously the hot water might relax the muscles and thus the mind. The negative ions from the water might activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Water, if I am not mistaken, is said to clear residual radiation left by computer screens.
Also, one might speculate that there is a clearing... not only of the tangible air, but the intangible. The human energy field extends beyond the body, and the water is in touch with it. In some energetic-based philosophies, water is used to clear.
The youth crew leaders I worked with in Oregon used homeopathic remedies to quickly clear poison oak. These remedies were nothing but very trace amounts or even perhaps a memory of (an imprint of) something diluted nearly to non-existence. In this case, poison ivy.
One of Lynne Mctaggart's books mentions a situation where a lab assistant mistakenly diluted all traces of a substance out of the experiment, only to get a result akin to the substance being present nonetheless.
The scientist in charge told her (the lab assistant) that there way no way this could be right & that she should repeat the experiment. She did repeat it and got the same results, which showed a reaction, as if the substance were present, despite no detection of actual substance whatsoever. (I am speaking from memory here. If I re-find more specific details on this I will update)
There is the idea that spaces can be conditioned over time to elevate whoever walks in them.... the idea of an external system resetting an internal one and vice versa.... how staying, stewing, stuck in the same place over time can create a small world, one that feels like the only world... but is only a created space, an illusion reflecting a lesser version of the individual right back at him/herself. Ideas can create a world. Ideas may destroy us or build us up.
This reminds me of the idea of a queen bee appearing to be created by the colony who channels their resources into it. The physical resources may do the building, but the principle, an invisible one, has set about the phenomenon.
People sensitive to energy know that standing on the ground... can be grounding. There is the idea that standing barefoot on the ground is to put one energetic, programmed system in contact with the other.
The idea of downloading information from the ground and from the air and from the stars is not so crazy. Neither is idea of spontaneous remission. The idea of new perceptions re-conditioning a space. Candice Pert refers to a database containing documented cases of spontaneous remissions, which no doubt have baffled conventionally minded physicians, sometimes having made, days before, a diagnosis by way of an mri or cat scan.
Not to mention energy-work... and all of the studies to validate it to the skeptic, including those out of NIH, which showed improved healing in blind studies involving Reiki... and those out of the University of Arizona, which showed tangible changes in the frequency of the space following the intent a of healer to begin. (Gary Scwartz).
One of my most profound personal experiences involved a firefighter who had a finger re-attached after an accident. He had no use of the finger and was in a good deal of pain. Despite his understandable skepticism, after less than a minute of no-touch energy-healing, the finger stretched out and became fully usable for the first time in six years since it's surgical re-attachment. Could this be a matter of harmonization?
If we can heal through harmonization, then what of the spaces we normally put ourselves into? To rearrange a room is to rearrange the signal of the room, to help it be harmonizing or disjointing and scattering.
Excess is said to indicate dis-ease... both in the body and in one's life. The system struggles to harmonize with places, internal and external, stuffed full of junk & with no sense of flow about them. So what of feng shui?
Then again, a place with creative clutter... assuming that clutter fell like the paint in Jackson Polluck's paintings, could appear random but have fractal patterns similar to those in clouds. It could illicit relaxation. Nature has a wildness about it, yet it is a patterned wildness.
Studies have shown that staring at Jackson Polluck's paintings can elicit a change in brainwaves, similar to that induced by staring at clouds. How stuck or fluid are we in mind/ body/ whatever?...
Just like water that gets stuck in a pond with no inflow and outflow, spaces can get stagnant. A person has to open up the windows every once in awhile.
One of the easiest things to be lazy about is the simple act of paying attention. Technically, its very easy to take a moment and get a feel for a space. Then we have to decide whether to stay or to leave.
And if we stay, what impact will we have on that space? The space is like the breath; it just keeps going by itself at a point, until the people in it pay attention. Then it may be altered and take on another rhythm.
A person may have to really work out whether she or he can practically reach balance with a given space. And even once a space is momentarily clear, a person is still there, and the mind remains open for conditioning as well. It may take the maintenance of continual awareness.
The dominant program, if still present, will naturally try and pull a person into it. That is perhaps why we have profound moments of wonder but then drift back into stasis.
This is similar to having a dream that we try to remember but forget upon waking. Still others will say that the space may be pulled up by an individual walking into it. Dean Radin has talked about the presence that Nelson Mandela was said to have upon those around him.
By staying aware, rather than going on autopilot, we allow for signal interruption & which may create space for new ideas, which eventually take root and can be made habit. (Candice Pert, a biologist who teaches/taught at Georgetown University, has great things to say about this.)
Interrupting the signal makes it apparent rather than hidden. We may not be able to make it out entirely (how can a person bite their own teeth?- Alan Watts) but a ghost of something vs. something completely invisible is a world of difference.
To draw attention to the breathe is to interrupt the rhythm... In some cases the default rhythm is best. In other cases we may choose to consciously alter the rhythm... either back to baseline or toward something relatively new to the system.
Everything we think we know is a ghost of something in a way. If cracks are somehow made in this once invisible background, what appears to be stuck and solid in the world, may be cracked open by new information. Like an old road, cracked and turned a garden.
It seems that new information can be imprinted on the system. The system can become its own remedy, ideally speaking, by observing, responding, altering, observing again.
Fair warning though since the old thinking may still there for however long.... like a shadow that can be slipped back into, so stumbles here or there may occur. This may be the ultimate challenge. To stay.
Rest assured that the new information is likely still there too... like a city with the power out, and it can be re-illuminated if we flip the switch.
We don't have to surrender our best experiences as anomalies on our time-lines. Over time, internal and external spaces may be elevated, so there is more to these small worlds in which tend to dwell.
The time it takes to break a habit may be the time it takes to reprogram a system, though spontaneous and sudden shifts may occur. They may be helped along by floods of information, wild places, mindfulness, quality interactions with others, balanced nutrition (food is a signal too), the de-cluttering of spaces, a regular practice.
We have been imprinted with our real and imagined history, our biology, our associations with others and our images of ourselves.
For instance, if I've heard that the human body takes seven years to regenerate on a cellular level, that may be my ceiling. I think if I really get my shit together for seven years I'll be pretty set, but then I hear this can happen in two years... that changes my thinking.
Then I hear that on a quantum level, we are always regenerating, and that changes my thinking. That is to say that I know there is a potential for change, for something akin to a reset, so even on the level of placebo, I have likely set something in motion. I may be open to new information now... and like the cracked roadway, new growth appears where before there was an impermeable barrier.
Of course, as individuals, we are all folded into other systems that may have their own agendas at that level of existence. We exist on multiple levels and can not expect one small aspect of our being to rule all the others.
Computer chips may seem tangible in comparison to all that's discussed here... but they are just imprinted systems.
One might imagine computer chips getting smaller and smaller until the gig is up, and it becomes clear that everything can be stored on and retrieved from nothing.
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